LNP professional photography services provides authentic and striking visual assets for your website, e-commerce store, and print and digital marketing materials. Using unique, professional photography elevates your brand’s image in a way that mediocre stock imagery can never achieve. LNP’s professional photography services will make your brand stand above your competition.
Our photographers and videographers have a wide range of experience and can capture high resolution photos of your team, products, facility, customers, and events. Having a library of digital assets that represent your business on your website, social media, printed material, or e-commerce is crucial for startups and established businesses alike. Our team members are visual storytellers who will show your customers what makes you the best at what you do.
Photography Specialities:
- Lifestyle photography
- Portrait and team photography
- Corporate and professional headshots
- Food and beverage photography
- Fashion photography
- Retail product photography
- Commercial and real estate photography
- Aerial drone photography
- E-commerce photography
Services Included:
- Full-day, half-day, or hourly photo shoots with all necessary equipment
- Professional cameras and lenses
- Professional lighting setup
- On location or in studio
- Photo editing, color correction, and retouching
- High-resolution images
- Photo archive (up to one year)
- Full usage rights and copyright