What 7 in 10 LNP Readers Revealed in Our Last Survey
Reading Habits can be Personal
It’s probably not surprising to learn that the people at LNP Media Group are obsessed with measuring and analyzing reader habits. We do a lot of research and big studies. We ask a lot of questions to find out what people care about, and try to measure how much they care about it. But readers are not always forthcoming. Sometimes they don’t get specific, or don’t want to share too much about what they read, or why. Despite all the research we do, we’re not always 100% sure about our readers feelings about every part of our news and information offers. Over the years, we’ve come to accept that people don’t always want to share every part of their reading habits. Some parts of our subscribers’ lives are personal. We get it.
We Never Expected Rave Reviews
Maybe that’s why we were surprised when we started getting positive feedback. Sometimes it was a short note. Other times it was a legitimate, handwritten letter. (Yes, they still exist!) And we started getting emails, and Facebook posts and comments. We got lots of positive comments in surveys. In fact, everywhere we look, people were making an effort to tell us how much they like our new magazine. There’s no other way to describe it. Sunday magazine got rave reviews.
7 in 10 Readers read Sunday EVERY WEEK
Our last survey cinched it. 7 out of 10 people who subscribe to LNP on Sundays reported that they read Sunday magazine every week. That translates to loyal weekly readership in over 50,000 homes, with a readership of almost 140,000.
While it surprises some, Sunday magazine is not available in newsstand editions. None of its content is available online. It doesn’t have a Facebook or Twitter account. Instead, it’s a rock-solid expression of our commitment to print and to those who love it. We’re grateful that our readers love our magazine. And we’re excited to have such a beloved magazine to offer to our local advertisers.
Haikus, Birdwatching, Local Makers and More
Whether you love nature, culture, food, history or the arts, Sunday offers readers original, local content every week. The Sunday staff looks for the very best of everything local. That’s why you’ll find work from local poets and writers, profiles on businesses, chefs, craftsmen and historians, glimpses back into Lancaster County history, recipes, profiles on artists and musicians and, of course, our now famous Lancaster County-inspired word searches.
How Can You Reach Sunday Readers?
Sunday magazine offers three ways to reach our loyal readers.
- 1/3 page ads–Only two are allowed on any one page, so your business gets maximum attention.
- Table of Contents page–Your logo will be included on a page that not only kicks off the Sunday magazine experience, but also features a timely quote, information about the cover and a map that sources every story or feature and connects it to one of the towns or townships in the county.
- Page sponsorship–Some of our pages get special attention from readers, such as The Lancaster That Was, Almanac and Puzzles. We don’t offer ads on these pages, but we do offer sponsorships, so you can be in front of readers as they spend extra time with our magazine. Your name or logo will be prominently featured on the page.
Want to learn more? Contact us and let’s start talking about introducing your business to our passionate and engaged readers.